Top 3 reasons why companies hire KickStart Alliance to guide and facilitate their CABs

Kickstart brings B2B CAB expertise
Mike and his team have delivered more than 100 CAB engagements, executive roundtables, and executive leadership offsites across the hi-tech B2B landscape.
KickStart partners with you every step
We get it! We’ve been in your shoes. Mike and his executive facilitators all held senior positions in B2B hi-tech companies. We act as an extension to your leadership team throughout the planning process.
KickStart delivers a world-class experience
With our proven CAB-prep methodology, we’ll design and execute a fresh and unique CAB experience that will differentiate you from your competitors.

CAB Facilitation
Planning your next CAB meeting? Consider staring with the end in mind. What do you most want to learn? And, what are you prepared to do with the information you gather? These are weighty questions because the answers will determine your agenda, types of discussion modules, invitation list, and facilitation style. Our CAB facilitators are senior B2B executives like you. We understand the business outcomes you seek, and we are skilled at being the linchpin between your executive staff and your best customers. Let us guide you every step of the way through our proven 5-step methodology for planning and delivering a world-class CAB experience. You won’t be disappointed.
CAB Coaching
For senior executives who want to facilitate their own CAB meeting, we can help. Let us be your CAB coach. Facilitation is a skill that must be practiced. Without proper training, you may fall victim to common traps, such as: talking too much, misinterpreting silence, using the wrong facilitation tools, or answering your own questions instead of allowing the group to respond. We will help you improve your facilitation game. We’ll personally prepare you to deliver a winning CAB performance.

CAB Playbook
CABs have become a new cornerstone for today’s B2B businesses. What once was a tool limited to only the biggest tech companies, CABs are now being adopted by mid-sized businesses and start-ups. Want to get your feet wet first? Take a look at our CAB books, blog, and FAQs on our Resources page. We want you to be successful. This is why we have made all of this knowledge available at your fingertips. Consider our books, blog, checklist, and videos as your CAB playbook. Looking for a tailored customer playbook for your team? Let us know and we’ll build one for you.
And email us your questions and suggestions. We’ll be happy to including them as our playbook expands.
Leadership Offsites & Planning Sessions
Executives complain that they waste far too much time in poorly run meetings. In addition to facilitating CABs, our executive coaches will help you plan and guide highly effective executive leadership offsites and planning meetings of all types. In addition to preparing an effective agenda, we’ll be your compass to keep you on track. We act not as a vendor, but as an extension of your leadership staff. Let us drive effective, constructive conversations and guide your staff to take action. And we guarantee that every meeting ends with an appropriate conclusion, action items and owners.

"Voice of the Customer" Alignment
More companies today are making it a priority to update and energize their customer interactions. Yet, while recognizing and treating the value of customer input and feedback as a priority is a good thing, allowing each department open reign for their own interaction with customers, out of sync with the interactions being drive by other departments, can be a problem. This causes internal consternation and duplication of resources. It also can confuse the heck out of your customers. Let us help you synchronize and align your customer marketing so everyone is pointed in the same direction and paddling with the same speed. We are VOC experts. Let us assess your customer marketing efforts and deliver an operational plan to achieve peak performance.